Day 19
She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hands hold the spindle [as she spins wool into thread for clothing]. (Proverbs 31:19 AMP)
GOD asked Moses what is in your hand, and he said a rod (Exodus 4:2). The moment he acknowledged the rod in his hand, the rod became a tool for the miraculous.
Dear woman, there is something that GOD has put in your hands for greatness and for exploits. It’s time to acknowledge it, sharpen it, prune it, explore it, develop it, cultivate it, pay closer attention to it, become more skilled at it and maximise it.
Your hands are a symbol of labour and work. Stretch it out and hold on to what it is capable of achieving. Don’t live below potential. Don’t leave any area of your gifting untapped. Push yourself some more. There are exploits to be done.
If you don’t incline your heart to more, you will never know that you can handle the distaff and operate the spindle at the same time. You can multitask and apply yourself to more than one thing at a time.
That’s the capacity that GOD has placed in you as a woman. It’s part of the reason why most of our body parts like the hands, legs, breasts, ears, and eyes come in twos. You are a multi-dimensional person, and not a one-way woman.
You can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all. No limits.
Happy Mother’s day.
I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all
We’ll instructed MUM
Yes Mum.
I can do one more thing and do excellently at them all.
I can do more than one thing, and do excellently at them all.
Thank you, MUM.
Yes Mum!
No limits!
I can do more than one thing and do them excellently well
Thank you Mum
Happy Mother’s Day
Yes yes Mum.
I am a multi-dimensional person, and not a one-way woman.
Thank you Mom!
I incline my heart to more and I become more
I hear you Mum. Yes Ma
I can do more than one thing, and do excellently at them all. There is no limit!
Thank you Mum
Happy Mother’s Day Ma.
Yes yes Mum!
No limits in terms of what I can do!
Thank You Mum!
Thank you Mum
I’m blessed
Yes, Mum!
I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all.
No limits!
Thank you Mum
Yes, MUM! I can do more than one thing and do excellently at them all!
Thank You, MUM!
Happy Mother’s Day, MUM ♥️
No limits!
I can and will do one more thing and excel at them all. AMEN.
Thank you MUM.
Happy Mother’s Day MUM!
Yes MUM! I’m instructed Ma!
I refuse to live below potential! I refuse to leave my gifts untapped! I am a multidimensional excellent ambidextrous woman.
Thank You MUM ❤️
Yes Mum! I am a multi-dimensional person, and not a one-way woman.
I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all.
Thank you for this MUM
Happy Mothers Day MUM❤️
Wow! Thank you MUM
I acknowledge the greatness and exploits God has put in my hands, I sharpen it, prune it, explore it, develop it, cultivate it, pay closer attention to it, become more skilled at it and maximise it.
MOM, thank you so much for being a huge blessing.
I can’t explain in words how this routine has been changing me
Thank you MOM again
Happy Mother’s Day MOM
Yes yes yes! No limits!
Thank you so much Mum.
Happy Mother’s Day Ma
I can do more than one thing and is excellently in them.
Thank you Mum for these words
I hold on to them and see excellence in all I do
Happy Mother’s Day Mum
Love you dearly Mum
I hear, Mum.
I will do multiple things and I will be excellent in all!
Thank You, Mum ❤️ Happy Mother’s Day to You, Ma.
Yes Mum,
I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all. No limits.
That’s me.
Happy mother’s day Mum
I love you
I do not live below potential. I do not leave any area of my gifting untapped. I push myself some more.
I am a multidimensional woman
Thank you Mum❤️
I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all. No limits for me!
Happy Mother’s Day Mum.
Thank you ma ????
I am a multi-dimensional person, and not a one-way woman.
Happy Mothers Day MUM
I love you so much MA
I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all. No limits.
Thank you Mum!
Happy Mother’s day Ma.
Yes Mum!
I am capable of doing more than one thing excellently…No limits at all!
Thank you so much, Mum!
I am excellent in all that my hands touch!
Thank you Mom.
Yes MUM, I can do more than one more thing, and do excellently at them all.
No limits!!!
Happy Mother’s Day MUM.
Thank You So Much MUM.
I can do more than one thing and do all of them excellently!
I choose to acknowledge all that GOD has placed in me and I maximise them
Thank you, MUM!
Happy Mothers’ Day, MUM.
I super love you, MUM ❤
Yes mum
I can do more things and do them excellently
Thank you, mum
I will explore every area of my life and use every potential to its fully full capacity. I live above limitations.
Glory to God.
Yes Mum!
I will not underutilise my potentials because I can do more than one thing and do all excellently well.
Thank you so much Mum ????
I am a multidimensional person and not a one way woman!
Thank you so much Mum
Happy mother’s Day Mum
Happy Mothers Day Mummy!
I am a multidimensional woman and I excel at everything I do.
Thank you Mum!
Happy Mother’s Day MOM
Yes! I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all. No limits for me!
Thank you so much Mum.
I am strengthened to do more and I do it excellently well.
Yes Mum.
I am a multi-dimensional person, and not a one-way woman.
I won’t live below potential.
Thank You Mum.
I can do more than one thing and be excellent at them all.
Happy Mother’s Day Mum
I am a multi-dimensional person, and not a one-way woman.
Thank you MA
Thank you MUM
I incline my heart to more.
I won’t live below potential. I won’t leave any area of my gifting untapped. I push myself some more. There are exploits to be done.
Happy Mother’s Day, MUM
Thank you So much Mum,
I incline my heart to push more.
Instructions so received Mum
Thank you once again Mum
Yes mum I can do more than one thing.
I will not live below my potential.I will cultivate and develop in all necessary areas, I can multitask.
Thank you so much Mum.
I can do many things at once and excel at them all.
Thank You so much Mum!
This is timely for me Ma.
I have capacity to do more!
There is more that God has placed inside me and I would maximize it.
Yes Mum
I can do more
Thank You Mum
Yes Mum
I can do one more thing, and do excellently at them all!
Thank you so much Mum
Yes, Mum.
I can do one more thing and I will incline my heart to more.
Thank you, Mum.
I can do more than one thing and be excellent at them!
Thank you Mum
I excel in doing more. I am multi dimensional and an excellent woman.
Thank you Mum
There is something that GOD has put in my hands for greatness and for exploits. I acknowledge it, sharpen it, prune it, explore it, develop it, cultivate it, pay closer attention to it, become more skilled at it and maximise it.
I will not live below potentials, I will push myself some more.
Thank You MUM