Day 24.
She makes fine linen garments and leads others to buy them; she delivers to the merchants girdles [or sashes that free one up for service]. (Proverbs 31:24 AMPC)
What are you making? What are you selling? Are you meeting needs? What problems are you solving? What solutions are you proffering?
GOD wants you to be a value adding woman. And today I want you to cultivate a value-adding mindset. The mindset that seeks to serve. In the kingdom of GOD service itself is greatness, it is not one of the ways to become great. Service is greatness. Value adding is greatness.
If you look around you, problems abound. And as GOD is raising you to be a part of the solution, be careful not to be a part of the problem. Every time there is a difficulty or challenge in your life or around you, always seek to solve it and not complain.
Plug yourself into the value chain of life. That’s where the daughters of GOD should be found. In ministry, family and relationships, business, enterprise, career, locality and in every day to day activities, bring value to the table.
Be like Dorcas in Acts 9:36, 30, who was known for doing good, and helping out (MSG). She added so much value to the people around her that even in death, her good works were undeniable. They were evident for all to see. She made impact in her own little way. So don’t wait for the grandstands before you contribute your quota. Make up your mind to be the VAW (value adding woman) that GOD has designed and equipped you to be, everywhere you go and in every situation you find yourself.
I am a value adding woman!
Thank You Mum.
I Make up my mind to be the VAW (value adding woman) that GOD has designed and equipped me to be. Thank you Mum
I am a value adding woman and I proffer solutions to every problems I come across!
Thank you mum!
I am a VAW!
Thank you Mom
I add value wherever I find myself.
Thank you so much, Mum.
I am a Value adding Woman. I plug myself into the value chain of life.
Thank you MUM!
I plug myself into the value chain of life…
I am a Value Adding Woman!
Thank you, Mum.
I am a Value Adding Woman. I will be serving and contributing my quota to solving problems.
I plug myself to the value chain of life.
Thank you Mom
I have made up my mind to be VAW: Value Adding Woman that God has made and equipped me to be.
I have made up my mind to be a Value Adding Woman ( VAW) everywhere I go and in all situations!.
Thank YOU MUM.
Oh yes MUM
I am a value adding woman
I plug myself to the value chain of life!
Thank you so much MA
I am a value adding woman.
I bring value to the table in any and every circumstance.
Thank You Mum!
I am a value adding woman in every area of life.
Thanks Mum
I make up my mind to be a value adding woman.
Thank you for this charge Mum ❤
I am a Value adding woman (VAW).
Thank you Mum
Yes Mum
I am a Value Adding Woman
Thank you Mum
Yes Mum!
I make up my mind to be the Value Adding Woman God expects of me.
Thank you so much, Mum!
Thank You Mum
I am a VAW!
I am a woman of value; a value adding woman.
I plug myself into value chain of life!
I do complain at problems, I proffer solutions!
Thank You So Much MUM.
I am blessed!
I stay adding value!
Never to be found idle, even in my mind!
Thank you Mum
Yes, Mum!
I am a Value Adding Woman that GOD has designed and equipped me to be
Thank you, Mum
Yes Mum
I’m a Value Adding Woman
Thank you Mum
I will be a VAW everywhere I go.
Thank you Mummy.
I am a value adding woman. And today I want choose to cultivate a value-adding mindset.
Thank you so much Mum.
I am so blessed by this.
Service itself is greatness therefore I serve.
I proffer solutions and not add to the problem.
I make up my mid to be the VAW GOD has designed and equipped me to be!
Thank you, MUM.
Every time there is a difficulty or challenge in my life or around me, I will always seek to solve it and not complain.
I am a VAW!
Thank you Mum
Thank you Mum.
I am a value adding woman.
I proffer solutions to every problem.
I am a value adding woman!
I choose to cultivate a value adding mindset!
Thank You, MUM!
I am a VAW
I am a Value Adding Woman!
Thank you Mum
I am a VAW!
I am a value adding woman.
Thank you so much MOM.
Yes MA !!!
I’m determined to be a Value Adding Woman (V.A.W) ????????
Thank You MUM ❤️
Thank you, Mum.
I am a value adding woman.
I am Value Adding Woman. I plug myself to the Value Adding chain in life.
Thank You Mum
I am a Value Adding Woman!
Thank You MUM
Thank You MUM!❤️
I choose to be a value adding woman
Yes, MUM
I choose to be a Value Adding Woman!
Thank you so much, MUM.
Yes Mum
I choose to be a Value adding woman!
Thank you Mum
I choose to be the VAW! A solution provider!
Thank you Mum.
I am a Value Adding Woman
Thank you Mum
I choose to be the VAW (value adding woman) that GOD has designed and equipped me to be, everywhere I go and in every situation I find myself!
Thank you Mum
I choose to be the VAW (value adding woman) that GOD has designed and equipped me to be, everywhere I go and in every situation I find myself!
Thank you Mum
Well received Ma
Thank you so much Mum!
My mind is made up to be the VAW (value adding woman) that GOD has designed and equipped me to be. I plug myself to the Value chain.
Thank you Mom!
I am a Value adding woman and I bring something to the table. I give myself to service, especially in the house hold of faith.
I am a value adding woman!
Thank you MUM
I am a value adding woman. I plug myself into the value chain of life. Thank YOU MOM.
Every where I go, I am a VAW! Thank you, MUM
Yes Mum, I contribute to the solution and not add to the problem. I am a value adding woman just as GOD as designed and equipped me to be.
Thank you Mum
I am a VAW(Value Added Woman)God has designed me to be.
Instructions so much Received Mum.
I am a value adding woman.
Thank you Mum!
I choose to be a VAW (Value Adding Woman)
Thank You Mum.
I have chosen to be a VAW
I am a VAW
Thank you Mum!
I am a Value Adding Woman.