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Proverbs 3:33
[33] The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.

Tell the wicked you know, to desist from wickedness, so that they can break free from the curse that plagues the house of the wicked. There is no benefit in wickedness. It contaminates the atmosphere in a home.

AMPC The curse of the Lord is in and on the house of the wicked, but He declares blessed (joyful and favored with blessings) the home of the just and consistently righteous.

GOD has designed for the home of the righteous to be favoured with blessings and full of Joy.

Keep an eye on the atmosphere of your habitation, and don’t give room for wickedness, offences, evil speaking, desecrations and any works of darkness.

Let the blessing of the LORD find full expression in your home. Your home is Blessed!!!

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