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Verse 9.
Be a righteous king, judging on behalf of the poor and interceding for those most in need. (Proverbs 31:9 TPT)

Intercession Ladies, intercession! Every woman in Christ must embrace the ministry of intercession. To intercede means to stand in the gap for.

There are people in your life who have needs, lacking the things they most desire and looking for help out of trouble and challenging situations.

The highest demonstration of your selflessness towards humanity is to lift up your voice in prayer on the behalf of the needy and the oppressed.

Understand that this is the primary reason why God gave you a voice.

Your voice is a tool of power. You are to use it to wield authority over the oppressor and the tormentor to set free those that are bound with chains and afflicted.

Be more conscious about consecrating your voice. Don’t use it to curse, abuse, gossip, complain or spread rumours and falsehood. Rather use it to bless, encourage, counsel, pray, defend and build up everyone you come in contact with.

Let GOD be able to use your voice as He did with Esther, Deborah, Priscilla and Mary, that in the most hopeless situations of life, miracles can be wrought just because you spoke.
May your voice become a tool for signs and wonders in Jesus precious name

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