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There are two extremes on this matter:

There are those who magnify satan, by unending deliverance sessions even after they’re born again.
Truth be told, this is preposterous!

The other extreme is New Creation Teachings that say “there’s nothing like generational curses now that you’re in Christ”. Well, there are!

First, all the mishaps that are common to your family won’t just stop automatically because You received Jesus.

For one, the demons that cause those evil happenings did not get born again along with You.
So, they will keep making attempts to trouble You as they’ve been accustomed to.

The right approach to such matters is for You (the believer) to take responsibility and EXERCISE the authority that You now have.

Use that authority to STOP the devil from doing to You what he seems to have been used to.
GOD’s Word doesn’t say to ignore the devil, it says to RESIST him!

Authority doesn’t work by default, it must be EXERCISED!
You see, those evil patterns that troubled You before You got born again? You will deliberately stop them!

One of the problems many believers have is that We are expecting GOD to deal with these issues.
GOD won’t do it, You will!
He gave You the power, so You are the one who will cast out devils, not Him!

Stop complaining about the recurring pattern of delays in Your life. STOP IT NOW!
Stop those evil workings before they end You.

Address them in prayer, using the authority that You have. Pray with authority!
This kind of prayer is not a supplication, You’re not asking. You are issuing Commands!
That’s the language that demons understand!

Make fasting a practise – it’s a New Covenant practice!
Fasting does nothing to GOD, it rather heightens Your consciousness of spirituals.

Put the Word in Your mouth. Keep saying what GOD has said in His word concerning those areas where the devil has been tormenting You and Yours.
This will renew Your mind and birth strong conviction and expectations!

See, even if satan becomes twins he cannot withstand this thing I just told You!

It’s time for You to walk in Your inheritance!
I Call You Blessed!

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