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A Pastor is a Father figure!
Whatever is a concern to Your flock must be a concern to You.

That’s why Paul and the apostles addressed domestic issues such as marriage, work, parenting, conduct in the workplace, resolution of disputes etc.

These must take place in the local Church.
We must, however, teach these things from the reality of what Christ has done, just as the apostles did.

A sound and proper ministry do not overdrive people’s spirituality at the expense of their well-being as humans.
It rather balances both, giving priority to the things of the spirit!

We must raise believers who are passionate about their spiritual growth, the Great Commission and discipleship of other saints as well as other things of the spirit.

People who are at the same inspired and encouraged to do very well in life; get and keep good jobs, do decent and profitable businesses, maintain solid relationships, living a healthy life etc.

This is true Christianity!
A sound preaching, teaching and exemplary Ministry produces such!

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