The Lord quickened in the heart of Reverend Peter Alabi to write this book at such a time as this, because we live in an era when the rate of migration from one country to another is at an all-time high, especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. And while God is not against migration, His principles stay the same: stay planted. If you’re already planted in a local Church as a member, relocation should not make you disconnect yourself from that family. God expects that you stay plugged in with your local Church whether you’re physically present or not.
Just imagine that you have to relocate ten times in your lifetime and you keep changing Churches. A life that is lived this way will not amount to anything significant for God. Do you know why? Because your instability will hinder your growth, progress and ultimately render you of very little use to God. You may wonder, “How then do I stay connected to my local Church even when I am not physically present?” This book has most of the answers. By God’s wisdom from His holy written word, this book has been put together as a guide to help you know how to stay connected to your local Church in spite of geographical barriers.
In this book, you’ll learn:
- The basics on how you can recognise the local Church that God has designed for you.
- God’s ideal structure for Church attendance.
- Valid and invalid reasons for being physically absent in Church.
- How you should see yourself as an emissary in the country you relocate to.
- How to join a Church service online.
- This book will transform your walk with God as you progress on your journey to fulfilling God’s plan for your life.