This craze for Spectacular manifestations is causing so much insanity these days!
Lots of people trying to post pictures that are nothing short of INDISCRETION, just to show that they operate in ‘power’.
The Supernatural doesn’t have to be spectacular all the time, it is actually NOT spectacular MOST times!
This is why there seems to be so much competition, envy, jealousy and LIES both among Ministers and Believers these days!
I think it’s quite unhealthy when you develop a compulsive obsession to always want to share “spectacular” happenings, in the name of power!
Most of the time these things are EXAGGERATIONS and outright LIES!
I can tell You on the authority of GOD’s Word, direct observations, and my personal experience, that Spectacular Manifestations are EXCEPTIONS!
These exceptions become ‘more regular’ with practice, over years of being Faithful and Focused in Your calling.
And even when they become “more regular” they will still remain EXCEPTIONS – Regular Exceptions if You like.
The obsessive-compulsive need to see and share spectacular results is actually coming from a place of unbridled hunger for approval and validation.
And if not checked will be hijacked by operations of familiar spirits.
You will think GOD is the one using you, but no, it’s the devil attending to your carnal quest for validation before men.
You’ll start doing crazy stuff, manipulations, entering into witchcraft, and eventually, you’ll become a demi-god.
Character flaws that are unimaginable will set in soon and the rest is better left unsaid.
Sit Yourself down and deal with the real underlying issue – Approval addiction!
You are who GOD says You are regardless of Spectacular manifestations.
Be content with the Honour that scriptures confer on you IN CHRIST!
To continue in this craze is to lose Your focus and eventually become a spooky heretic!
Stay with the Word!
Stay with the Word!
Stay with the Word!
The Word ALWAYS works!
Even if it doesn’t work in a spectacular way, it still ALWAYS WORKS!
And the Word works in a very HEALTHY, DECENT and BEAUTIFUL WAY!
In ways that will build Your Faith and help You grow up spiritually.
This is a worthy saying, and worthy of ALL Acceptation!
Blessed day!